
Talents consistency

Finding the right person that fits into your high-performing project team can be a difficult task. Therefore, it is vital to ensure the quality people you interview is qualified and a good fit for the team.

Despite the wealth of evidence around the benefits of a structured, criteria-based approach to interviewing, many managers are still content to rely on gut feeling and instinct when recruiting. This approach is even riskier now with the need to ensure compliance with diversity and equality legislation.

With our interview platform, we utilise a range of features to ensure that your recruitment team attracts the best talent available.

Track interviewee successes

Interview notes, scores, or given assessment results can be captured in the Kelick interview system to provide an auditable record of decisions in the event of a challenge by an unsuccessful candidate. Once the result is concluded, offer or rejection emails can be sent to each candidate, based on the client-editable templates.

Any offers can be tracked and closed, with the information captured during the recruitment process automatically transferred to the employee database for successful candidates. This then automatically feeds into the new starter process, with any data on unsuccessful candidates deleted when no longer required, ensuring compliance with data protection laws.

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